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通过混养生态系统模拟试验研究了紫贻贝(Grateloupia lanceolata)和披针形蜈蚣藻(Mytilus edulis)不同养殖密度组合下的生态混养状况。选取壳长(45.14±3.85)mm的紫贻贝和长度(62.48±7.38)mm的披针形蜈蚣藻,采用5种湿重配比进行混养实验,分别为G1(1∶0)、G2(1∶0.25)、G3(1∶0.5)、G4(1∶1)和G5(1∶2)。每种组合中紫贻贝密度均为0.63 ind·L~(-1),而披针形蜈蚣藻密度分别为0 g·L~(-1)、1.25 g·L~(-1)、2.5 g·L~(-1)、5 g·L~(-1)、10 g·L~(-1)。36 d后,G3组中紫贻贝特定生长率为(0.21±0.03)%·d-1,极显著高于其它混养组[(0.11±0.028)~(0.21±0.03)%·d-1,P0.01],而单养组的紫贻贝特定生长率仅为(0.063±0.022)%·d-1;G3组中披针形蜈蚣藻特定生长率为(0.96±0.20)%·d-1,极显著高于其它混养组[(0.62±0.16)~(0.96±0.20)%·d-1,P0.01]。G3组生态系统对营养盐(NO_3~--N、NO_2~--N、NH_4~+-N、PO3-4-P)的去除率分别达到(91.38±1.40)%、(96.79±1.97)%、(98.38±2.06)%、(96.86±3.16)%,显著高于G2组(P0.05),而与G4和G5组没有显著性差异(P0.05)。本研究结果表明,当紫贻贝与披针形蜈蚣藻湿重比为1∶0.5时,可以取得较好的生态效应。  相似文献   
Understanding the genetics of resistance to spot blotch disease, caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc.) Shoem, is important to design an appropriate breeding strategy to improve the trait. The objective of this study was to determine the gene action and mode of inheritance of resistance to spot blotch in wheat. Eight genotypes with varying resistance to the disease were crossed in a full diallel mating design. Parents and their progenies were evaluated for spot blotch resistance. Data were analyzed using Hayman’s diallel analysis. The results suggested the importance of additive gene effects in controlling the resistance to spot blotch in the materials under study. No epistasis, maternal, or reciprocal effects were detected. Resistance to spot blotch exhibited partial dominance. Therefore, exercising selection for resistance in the early segregating generation should be an effective approach because of the predominance of additive gene effects. The Wr/Vr graph showed that the parents 30SAWSN5 (P3) and Coucal (P4) possessed more dominant genes, which makes them particularly suitable for inclusion in breeding for resistance to spot blotch.  相似文献   
Carbon storage in the soils on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau plays a very important role in the global carbon budget. In the 1990s, a policy of contracting collective grasslands to smaller units was implemented, resulting in a change from the traditional collective grassland management to two new management patterns: a multi‐household management pattern (MMP: grassland shared by several households without enclosures) and a single‐household management pattern (SMP: grassland enclosed and used by only one household). In 2016, 50 MMP and 54 SMP winter pastures on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau were sampled to assess the differences in soil organic carbon (SOC) between the two management patterns. Results showed that average SOC was significantly greater under MMP than under SMP, with an estimated 0.41 Mg C/ha/yr lost due to SMP following the new grassland contract. Based on the government's grassland policy, four grassland utilization scenarios were developed for both summer and winter pastures. We found that if the grassland were managed under SMP, likely C losses ranged between 0.31 × 107 and 6.15 × 107 Mg C/yr across the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau relative to MMP, which more closely resembles pre‐1990s grassland management. Previous estimates of C losses have only considered land use change (with cover change) and ignored the impacts driven by land management pattern changes (without cover change). The new data suggest that C losses from the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau are greater than previously estimated, and therefore that the grassland contract policy should be reviewed and SMP households should be encouraged to reunite into the MMP. These findings have potential implications for land management strategies not only on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau but also other grazing regions globally where such practices may exist.  相似文献   
中国工业大麻种业创新发展策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业大麻是重要的经济作物,中国是工业大麻生产和出口大国。然而,工业大麻种业发展滞后对我国工业大麻高质量发展提出严峻挑战的问题。本研究采用实地调研和文献综述的方法,分析了当前国内工业大麻种业的发展态势和存在的问题,探讨我国工业大麻种业创新发展路径。研究表明,我国工业大麻种业构建了全国行业标准和地方法律规范相结合的政策保障体系,推动了育种创新主体由公益性科研院所向企业转变,创建了以多用途为特色的育种技术体系,形成了良种区域化的种植格局和技术服务体系,奠定了该产业创新发展的基础。但缺乏国家层面或跨区域协同的工业大麻法规体系、育种繁种技术资源分散和低效率共存、面临国外种业知识产权布局先发优势挑战、商业化育种体系不完善等问题成为主要障碍。因此,提出了加快完善政策保障体系、培育多元育种体系、打造生产经营体系、构建国际合作体系,以期提升工业大麻种业创新发展能力。  相似文献   
Surface runoff, erosion, compaction and the leaching of potential pollutants from land can degrade the soil resource and damage the water environment, reducing crop yields, causing loss of valuable nutrients and organic matter, together with increasing flood risk. Increasingly, it is recognized that scientific information must be translated into practical tools to change practices and protect the soil and water resource. Working alongside agencies in Scotland, we applied a suite of simple, transparent, rule-based models to identify areas most at risk of exporting sediment and pollutants that may degrade water quality based on field-scale (1:25,000) soil maps. The maps have been used by Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Scottish Water and Scottish Government to assess soil risks to waters from field to regional scale. The work brought scientists together with policy makers, agencies and the water industry to pool their knowledge to apply these practical tools for decision-making. It highlights the need to apply existing knowledge to answer salient questions. All three examples described show that providing the right type of information, which is based on fundamental soils data, can directly influence the implementation of policies, investment and monitoring decisions and provide evidence in support of government. However, this requires both researchers and agency scientists to develop skills as knowledge brokers and to normalize the use of soil data in everyday agency settings.  相似文献   
京津冀地区植被NDVI动态变化及其与气候因子的关系   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
[目的] 探究气候变化对植被覆盖变化的驱动机制,可为揭示区域乃至全球植被覆盖动态变化及其与气候变化之间的响应机制提供依据。[方法] 以MODIS NDVI,SRTM DEM,降水和气温为数据源,运用Theil-Sen Median趋势分析法、Mann-Kendall显著性检验法、R/S分析法和Pearson相关分析法等数学分析方法,结合ANUSPLIN气象插值模型,研究2001—2019年京津冀地区植被NDVI时空演变特征及预测未来变化趋势,并探究植被NDVI与降水和气温最大相关关系及时滞效应。[结果] ①2001—2019年京津冀地区植被NDVI整体呈波动上升趋势,上升速率为0.002 2/a,且未来植被NDVI呈改善趋势的面积略小于呈退化趋势的面积;②降水和气温对京津冀地区植被生长以正向促进作用为主,且降水对植被生长的作用强度高于气温;③植被NDVI对降水变化的滞后期略长于气温,京津冀地区植被生长受前3月的降水和前1月的气温影响最大。[结论] 在林业生态工程实施背景下,2001—2019年京津冀地区植被覆盖整体呈改善态势,尤以西北部为著;植被NDVI与降水和气温相关关系呈现出明显的地域差异,且植被生长相对降水和气温变化存在一定的滞后效应。  相似文献   
我国生态草牧业政策梳理及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
草牧业是以草为基础的畜牧业,是在传统畜牧业和草业基础上提升的新型生态草畜产业。我国草原面积近60亿亩,草地畜牧业发展拥有巨大潜力,如何实现草地资源可持续利用是当前政策制定者面临的重要任务与挑战。本研究借鉴柳卸林的政策分析框架,梳理2000年以来我国政府颁布的草牧业政策,并基于呼伦贝尔地区的农、牧户调研,辨识草牧业发展的政策缺口,厘清当地生态草牧业发展中不同利益相关者的需求与困境,为长期的政策制定提供支撑。  相似文献   
作为"乡贤研究会"首创之地和"新乡贤"概念诞生之地,绍兴市自然也是新乡贤队伍建设的先行之地,已经成为全国乡贤文化之乡和新乡贤队伍建设的标杆。绍兴市的新乡贤队伍建设,肇始于2001年上虞乡贤研究会的成立,在2015年的乡贤政策年臻于高峰。经过多年培育和发展,定位为"村民自治的有益补充"、起"补位和辅助作用"的近2万新乡贤队伍,在乡村经济、文化、公益、自治等方面发挥着积极作用,但与此同时也显现了新乡贤队伍建设流于形式、结构相对失衡,以及党政介入过度、党政机构与新乡贤组织职责和权力边界不清晰等问题。解剖这一领先全国的典型个案,对于其他地区的新乡贤队伍建设和现代乡村振兴,无疑具有较好的理论意义和现实价值。  相似文献   
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